Canine Tracking for Recreation

In tracking, the dog follows a scent trail to find an article such as a toy, a glove or wallet.

4 Weeks

$150 for Teams

$100 for an Observation Spot

All outdoors (in and around Penticton)

Any dog can enjoy tracking.

It is considered an intermediate level canine sport.

It requires minimal prior training but to succeed your dog will need some basic obedience - sit, stay, down etc.

Things to note:

  • Exact class location will be disclosed each week before class

  • In group classes, your dog must show NO aggression to other dogs or to people.

  • Please sign up for an Observation Spot if your dog is reactive.

  • Ticks and other pests are a risk for dogs and humans. We recommend you ask your veterinarian for advice and carefully check your pet after each outing. Humans are advised to protect their feet and legs with socks, pants and closed shoes.

  • Equipment requirements are minimal to start. A dog, collar, leash and a toy. As sessions progress, you will find it helpful to have a non-restrictive harness and a tracking leash - 20 to 40 feet long (we have a few to loan for starters).

  • You must sign a waiver prior to the first class

  • Your spot is not confirmed until you have paid.

  • Generally, there are no refunds for missed classes

Available Spots

An Observation SPOT

  • a person comes to class without their dog

  • they learn about the sport and can train their dog on their own

  • allows dogs with fear or aggression to learn the sport